The Annual General Meeting of the Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven CLP will take place on Thursday, 2 December 2021, beginning at 7.30pm. The meeting will be online and the secretary will send out the joining link late November 2021. All members may attend, but only delegates can vote.The meeting will include reports from officers, the formal approval … Continue reading Notification of the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Brighton Kemptown and Peacehaven Constituency Labour Party
Category: Members Meetings
May 2018 Update
May 2018 Update | by Aaron Austin Locke (CLP Secretary) First, I would like to introduce myself as the new Constituency Labour Party (CLP) Secretary. As I said when I took on the role, I am here to represent the views of you, the membership, and so please do get in contact with what you want … Continue reading May 2018 Update
Peacehaven to East Saltdean -Meridian Branch Labour – AGM – 15 February
This Wednesday 15th February is Meridian Branches AGM. All members have been sent details about the meeting. Let Laurence O'Connor, Branch Secretary know if any further details required.