Come and hear Emily Thornberry MP and Elaine Ortiz from Hummingbird Project speak and take part in the discussion with them and other Labour members and supporters.
Month: February 2017
Peacehaven to East Saltdean -Meridian Branch Labour – AGM – 15 February
This Wednesday 15th February is Meridian Branches AGM. All members have been sent details about the meeting. Let Laurence O'Connor, Branch Secretary know if any further details required.
Brexit and the Labour Party
Brexit and the Labour Party. Wednesday 15th February, Lord Steve Bassam speaking on Brexit. at Robert Lodge Meeting Room 7.30-9.30
March for our NHS
#ourNHS National Demonstration 4 March 2017 We must fight to save the NHS from destruction. The threat is real. It is happening now. Hospitals, GPs, mental health, ambulance and community services are on their knees. The NHS is nor of our greatest achievements. We cannot allow it to be undermined and sold off to private companies … Continue reading March for our NHS
International Women’s Day
international women's day: If you can get involved please email our Women’s Officer Melanie Melvin on visit the Labour Kemptown Women twitter account: @kemptownwomen
Love Unions Week
I HEART UNIONS WEEK This week (8th – 14th) is the Heart Unions campaign ( to support our brothers and sisters in the Union movement which is under increasing attack form this conservative goverment. Kemptown and Peacehaven Labour will be holding a stall to raise awareness of the good work Unions do and to encourage people to … Continue reading Love Unions Week
Welcome from the Chair
Miriam Binder the new Kemptown and Pacehaven Labour Party Chair welcomes herself to the party memebrs.
Labour for the NHS
On Saturday 21 January 2017 we were delighted to be joined by Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell MP for the official opening of our office in Dorset Street, before heading back to stalls across Brighton for more leafleting and petitioning as part of Labour’s Care For The NHS campaign .
Monthly newsletter (February 2017)
Welcome to Kemptown and Peacehaven Labour Party. As you will know as of the 4th February the District Labour Party has returned to its historic constituencies and you are in Kemptown Constituency.