
Please find below all motions passed by Kemptown and Peacehaven Constituency Labour Party (CLP) General Commitee (GC):

Motions Passed

1st September 2018

Abortion in Northern Ireland – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by Woodingdean Branch)

Support of Homage to Brighton – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by the CLP EC)

A series of advisory votes for conference 2018 were also passed on 1st September so that delegates can get an idea of membership feelings on certain areas. A full list of these advisory votes can be found here.

14th June 2018

NHS Motion – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by the NHS Forum)

Voter ID reform plans – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by Woodingdean Branch)

CLP NPF policy submission – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by the CLP EC)

Motion Green Waste On Farmland  – Passed Unanimously (Proposed by the Environment Forum)

9th May 2018

Proportional Representation – Passed (Proposed by Rottingdean Coastal Branch)

(Please note that this page is in the process of being updated. If there is something missing, please email with the motion and the minutes in which it is recorded that the motion passed).